Partners and networks
- World Bank
- Open Society for Eastern Africa, OSIEA
- Fair Trade (Gold) Africa
- Global Green Grants
- Rufford Small Grants
- International Mining for Development Centre (IM4DC)
- Swedish Water Institute (SIWI)
- Natura Ramboll, Sweden
- Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment (ACODE)
- Directorate of Climate Change, Uganda
- Climate Change Unit/Department
- USAID, Uganda
- African Women and Youth Action for Development (AWYAD)
- Civil Society Coalition on Oil and Gas (CSCO) in Uganda
- Coalition on Environment and Climate Change (CECCU) in Uganda
- Global Network of Civil Society Organizations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR)
- Construction Sector Transparency Initiative (CoST) Uganda
- Development Network for Indigenous and Voluntary Associations (DENIVA)
- Switch Africa Green, SAG
- Ecological Society for East Africa
- Uganda Poverty and Conservation Learning network
- Uganda Forest Learning Group
- Publish What You Pay-Uganda Chapter (PWYP)
- Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development (UCSD)
- The Access Initiative (TAI)
- Environment and Natural Resources (ENR)
- Uganda Contracts Monitoring Coalition (UCMC)
- South Western Institute on Environment and Development, (SWIED)
- Community Development Concerns (CDC), Nakaseke
- Centre for Environment Justice and Development (CEJAD) (Kenya)
- Disaster Risk Reduction Platform in Uganda, DRRU
- Community Action for Nature Conservation, CANCO, Kenya
- Climate Action Network Uganda (CAN-U)
- National Environment Management Authority (NEMA)